Driver's Ed Instructor Richard Zimmer
My name is Richard Zimmer and I am a driver's ed instructor specializing in teaching beginner drivers. I am excellent with teenagers and also very good with nervous drivers.
Enjoyed 20 years (1983-2003) serving in the navy on submarines - - almost as fun and exciting as teaching teenagers to drive. Since 2003, Irmo is my home, near Dutch Fork High School. I enjoyed teaching my own daughters how to drive so much that I decided to do this for a living, since November 2008.
All students are welcome: Dutch Fork High, Chapin High, Irmo High, Spring Hill High, Home Schooled, Online Students, Adults. Students further away have come to Dutch Fork Driving School, including: Lexington High, River Bluff High, Columbia High, Fairfield High, Mid Carolina High, Ridgeview High, Richard Winn Academy, Ben Lippen, Hammond School, Heathwood Academy, Eau Clair High, Fort Mill High, and others.